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Trash on Beach

Chapter 1: 
Environment Abhiyan


At YELL, we are passionately committed to nurturing a generation of young leaders who understand the critical importance of our environment. We believe that the well-being of our planet is intrinsically linked to the well-being of humanity. Being based in a humble city like Pune we encounter environmental issues on a daily basis; in a day, estimated 2200 metric tons of trash is generated, and on a country wide level 150,000 tonnes of trash is generated. We have chosen the topic of the environment as the cornerstone of our mission to ensure today's youth can address environmental challenges and secure a sustainable future.

Moreover,  a healthy environment is vital for human prosperity, motivating us to protect it. We want to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the Earth, encouraging active conservation and strive for environmental justice, ensuring all communities access clean, healthy environments.

It is time we join hands, and come together as a world that encourages sustainability and promote the environment that has for long, withheld and nourished us.

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